Wednesday, November 25, 2009

make ahead breakfast casserole

Your anniversary is approaching fast and you start to wonder if your spouse will remember which date it occurs on this year. Just for a change he or she may have made a mental note of it or written it in a diary, but more than likely the old memory may need jogging, again. It is never a good idea to leave things to chance, especially if you want results. After all, it's just one little day in the year, and a very special day at that, and a good reason to push the boat out and celebrate. So, you could start dropping some subtle hints a couple of weeks before the anniversary.

You could perhaps reminisce about the fabulous honeymoon you had or how old Auntie Annie did that amazing can-can on the top table at the wedding feast even before the speeches had begun. This is bound to get results, but if you want to ensure that lovely anniversary gifts are going to be heading your way, you may have to resort to leaving a wish list lying around, preferably in a place where it is going to get noticed. You never know, your partner may excel at taking the hint and plump for the most extravagant anniversary gifts on your list. If you don't ask, you usually don't get.

If you are the smart one who remembers your anniversary without any help, you will be racking your brains for something original to give to your spouse as a token of your love and appreciation. If you are buying for your wife or girlfriend, it is guaranteed that she will appreciate being made a fuss of, and pampering anniversary gifts will show her just how much she means to you. A Pamper Me Bathroom Bundle is beautifully presented, and includes everything she will need for a wonderful soak and pampering session in the bath, before you head out together to your favourite restaurant for a romantic candlelit dinner for two. In this anniversary gifts pack are all the towels, face cloths and aromatherapy perfume creams, lotions, potions and soap that she will require, and every time she uses them she will remember what a fabulous and considerate partner you are.

We all know men are from Mars and women are from Venus, so a piece of Venus to call her very own has to be the ultimate in romantic anniversary gifts. She will be thrilled to know, and boast to all her friends, that there is an acre of Venus out there that is actually hers, and she'll have all the documents to prove it. With this anniversary gift she will even have the mineral rights to her piece of land, so just imagine if she ever gets the chance to visit the planet. Who knows what precious rocks she may find?

Maybe she would prefer something that she can admire every day, something that she can display on the shelf. A really original anniversary gift idea is a Message in a Bottle which comes in a treasure chest style presentation box. She will never guess what it holds. Inside the corked bottle will be a scroll with your own personal romantic message for her eyes only, lying on a bed of sand and shells, evoking visions of desert islands, palm trees and just the two of you stranded together with nothing but your love to keep you alive.

Perhaps she is the type of woman who enjoys a thrilling challenge, always on the lookout for a bit of excitement. No doubt she would marvel at the opportunity of driving a Ferrari at Silverstone. A chance to bomb around the circuit is the anniversary gift of a life time, even if your heart may be in your mouth as you watch her burn rubber. But this will certainly put an end to the comments about women drivers. Adrenalin laden anniversary gifts will make her adore you for the wonderful partner that you are when she sits in that Ferrari for the first time.

Buying an anniversary gift for your man is so much easier. He is going to be thrilled when you give him a personalised sports calendar, and you can chose from a selection of sports such as golf, football, fishing or cricket or whatever sport tickles his fancy. These lovely anniversary gifts have his name on every image each month. If he is an adrenalin fiend and always boasting about how brave and fearless he is, why not call his bluff and give him a flying lesson as his anniversary gift. He will get the chance to take over the controls up there in the sky and will impress you with his daring-do abilities. And if that isn't enough to spice up your relationship you can always give him a copy of the Little Black Book of Kama Sutra as an anniversary gift. It will give you something to work on for the next few months!

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